Sunday, January 30, 2011

Cosmic Wonder

Aidan lately favorite: N.E.R.D
Cosmic Wonder knit top & cardigan @ Shine, izzue jeans, Vivienne Westwood pirate boots, MMM handbag


  1. Hi Judy, I've a stupid question, how do you organize/sort out clothes in your wardrobe? coz I realized that you sometimes wear certain nice pieces which dont belong to the latest collection. It's bugging me so bad that I always forget clothes which I bought years ago, maybe some other bloggers (who also have "quite-a-lot-but-never-enough-clothes") also face the same problem? :-P

    again, nice and chic style today

  2. The cardigan looks so warm and cozy. Love the purse! Great look!

  3. By the way, what is your lipstick usually? I really the subtle natural colour. Thanks~

  4. Hi Judy, is your Comic Wonder knit top & cardigan for this season? Looks very nice ar! Thx!

  5. Josie : as I said I'll just keep the good stuffs by categories like knitwear, long tee, short tee, jeans , pants, dress.. Etc

    Constance: I'm using Estee Lauder lip gloss only!

    Those knitwear I just bought them like a week ago as on sale items!
