Saturday, October 9, 2010


Toga knit top & belt @ Shine, Future Classics sweatpants @ I.T, Yeah Right scarf & OMG platform shoes @ Liger, Susan Biji shopping bag

Isaphan as my all time favorite dessert at Ladurée!


  1. Finally see u again!! Love ur style so much please keep it up!!! Also could u pls let know which Issue can I get the shoulder pad top?
    Many thanks!!

  2. Happy that finally got your latest upload!! envy that u were out of town and enjoyed fashion shows. Admire your styling!!

  3. btw, knowing you are leading the design in IZZUE. Will the izzue biker絨褸 re-lauched in coming season? i love it much but just missed to buy it? thanks much!!

  4. I'm sorry i don't know which shoulder padded top u talking about.

    Thank you Stephanie! unfortunately we won't re-order the biker u mentioned about maybe next year. coz' we have similar one rite now on floor u can also go check it out!

  5. hi, which SHINE you usual go for toga merchandise? central or cwb? thx!
